Yalla restaurant

مطعم The Hive - Qurain

Al Herafia, West of Abu Fatira Al-Herafia Street 11 Building 33

قائمة طعام

توصيل الطلبات للمنازل Salads, Pasta, Cakes في Al Herafia


Perrier Natural Mineral Water 200ML

1 Sunny Side Up Egg

Beetroot Ketchup كاتشب شمندر

+ 60

Beverages المشروبات

Carrot Orange Juice عصير برتقال وجزر

Carrots, orange, ginger and 250ml.

Green Detox Juice عصير جرين ديتوكس

Kale, pineapple and mint 250ml.

Watermelon Juice عصير البطيخ

Watermelon - Lemon Juice - Mint - Ginger Calories : 105 - Fat : 0.1g - Carbohydrates : 17.7g - Sugars : 24.2g - Protein : 0.8g
+ 4

Side Dish الطبق الجانبي

Italian Roasted Garlic Parmesan Potatoes بطاطا بارميزان بالثوم المشوي الإيطالي

Ghee, russet potatoes, extra virgin olive oil, Italian seasoning, garlic, parmesan cheese, red pepper flakes, Italian parsley, garlic, salt and pepper. Calories: 294 - fats: 18.2g - carbs: 32.7g - protein: 6.4g. Beetroot or regular ketchup.

Cinnamon Roasted Sweet Potato البطاطا الحلوة المشوية بالقرفة

Sweet potato, extra virgin olive oil and cinnamon. Fries (calories: 144 - fats: 5g - carbs: 17g - protein: 1g), beetroot ketchup (calories: 55 - fats: 1.4g - carbs: 10.6g - protein: 0.7g), regular ketchup (calories: 6 - fats: 0g - carbs: 1g - protein: 0g). Beetroot or regular ketchup.

Cauliflower Rice أرز القرنبيط

Cauliflower, onion, parmesan cheese, lemon, parsley, red chili pepper flake and extra virgin olive oil. Calories: 194 - fats: 11.6g - carbs: 16.3g - protein: 9.9g
+ 8

Vegan النباتى

Vegan Sesame with 3 Pieces Crusted Carrot Falafel and 2 Pieces Pita Bread سمسم نباتيمع 3 قطع فلافلجزر يقدم مع خبز البيتا

Carrots, cilantro, parsley, red onion, garlic, sesame seeds, tahini, oat flour, almond meal, lemon. Green tzatziki, cashews, chives, cucumber, lemon, apple cider vinegar, whole wheat flour, yeast, sugar cane, salt to taste and extra virgin olive oil. Falafel (calories: 381 - fats: 21g - carbs: 33g - protein: 12g), bread (calories: 78 - fats: 1g - carbs: 14g - protein: 2g).

Vegan Spaghetti Bolognese معكرونة بولونيز نباتية

Celery, red capsicum, roma tomatoes, parsley, carrot, tomatoes, onions, garlic, turmeric, eggplant, zucchini, walnuts, macadamia and extra virgin olive oil. Calories: 454 - fats: 32g - carbs: 39g - protein: 11g.

Mushroom with Quinoa Risotto and Brazil Nut Parmesan مشروم مع كينوا وصوص البارميزان

Porcini mushrooms, shallot, quinoa, parsley, spinach, Brazilian nuts, assorted mushrooms, black pepper and salt to taste. Calories: 397 - fats: 21g - carbs: 39g - protein: 18g.
+ 2

Fish السمك

Lemon Rosemary سمك إكليل الجبل بالليمون

Honey, rosemary, lemon and extra virgin olive oil. Calories: 176 - fats: 4g - carbs: 9g - protein: 25g. Sheem or salmon

Grilled Fish with Avocado Salsa سمك مشوي مع صوص الأفوكادو

Chilli powder, red onion, cilantro, lime, avocado, extra virgin olive oil, cauliflower, basil, mint, parsley, cucumber, garlic, red bell pepper, lettuce, olives, pine nuts, feta cheese and sun dried tomatoes. Calories: 275 - fats: 11g - carbs: 7g - protein: 41g. Sheem or salmon.

Fish Chargrilled Vegetable Salad سمك سلطة خضروات مشوية

Extra virgin olive oil, asparagus, zucchini, chickpeas, red onion, lemon, chives, parsley, couscous and yogurt. Calories: 372 - fats: 8g - carbs: 46g - protein: 36g. Sheem or salmon.
+ 2

Chicken الدجاج

Lemon Chicken with Asparagus دجاج بالليمون مع الهليون

Chicken breasts, asparagus, honey, coconut oil, whole wheat flour, lemon, pepper seasoning calories: 324 - fats: 11g - carbs: 18g - protein: 37g

Sundried Tomato Pasta with Chicken and Creamy Mozzarella Sauce مكرونة الطماطم المجففة مع الدجاج وصوص الموزاريلا

Whole grain pasta, chicken breast, dried basil, red pepper flakes, mozzarella cheese, sun, dried tomatoes, full fat milk and full fat cream. Calories: 541 - fats: 20.4g - carbs: 59.7g - protein: 50.9g

Turkey Burgers with Coleslaw ديك رومي مع سلطة ملفوف

Burger turkey ,cheddar cheese, brown onions, bread crumbs (in-house; almond milk-oats, whole wheat flour, sunflower seeds) - extra virgin olive oil - garlic. Coleslaw: carrot, savoy cabbage, Greek yogurt, red capsicum, gluten free bun, in-house ketchup, in-house barbecue sauce, in-house burger (calories: 236 total fat: 15g total carbs: 10g protein: 17g), bun (calories: 396 total fat: 32g total carbs: 15g protein: 12g).
+ 4

Meat اللحم

Paleo Burgers with Caramelized Balsamic Onions and Avocado باليو برجر مع البصل والكراميل والأفوكادو

Ground beef, lettuce, onions, tomatoes, avocados, coconut oil, balsamic vinegar, vinegar, garlic powder, onion powder, cloves, allspice, cinnamon, paprika, sea salt, sugar cane, potato fries and homemade ketchup.

Zucchini Noodles with Bolognese Sauce نودلز كوسة مع صوص بولونيز

Celery, ground beef, tomatoes, basil, zucchini, bay leaves, extra virgin olive oil, onion, garlic for flavoring. Calories: 395 - fats: 23g - carbs: 25g - protein: 26g.

Meatball Curry كاري اللحم

Ground beef, cilantro, ginger, tomatoes, serrano pepper, shallots, brown rice, coconut oil, garlic, coconut milk, lemon. Calories: 605 - fats: 38.2g - carbs: 36.2g - protein: 31.7g.
+ 3

Snacks الوجبات الخفيفة

Flourless Salted Chocolate Cake كيك شوكولاتة مملحة

Honey, free range eggs, dark chocolate, coconut oil. Calories 341, fats 29 gm, carbs 13 gm, sugar 10 gm and protein 5 gm. Per piece or one cake.

Samoa Bars قوالب ساموا

Maple syrup, coconut oil, almond butter, coconut, dark chocolate, coconut flour calories 225, fats 16 gm, carbs 18 gm, sugar 13 gm and protein 3 gm.

Double Dark Chocolate Cookies دوبل كوكيز شوكولاتة داكنة

All purpose flour, unsweetened cocoa powder, unsweetened chocolate, free range eggs, coconut sugar, semi sweet chocolate chips, toasted pecans, ghee, golden raisins. Calories 177, fats 10 gm, carbs 18 gm, sugar 7 gm and protein 3 gm. 2 pieces or jar.
+ 13

Vegetarian النباتي

Kale, Spinach and Feta Pie فطيرة كرنب وسبانخ بجبنة الفيتا

Leek, spinach, ricotta cheese, free range eggs, lemon, parsley, pine nuts, kale, extra virgin olive oil, black pepper calories: 282 total fat: 18g total carbs: 17g protein: 16g.

Broccoli And Cheese Shell Pasta مكرونة محشية بالبروكلي و الجبنة

Cottage Cheese - Parmesan - Lemon Zest - Mozzarella -Broccoli - Spinach - Parsley - Marinara Sauce - Shells Pasta Calories:420 - Carbs:41.9g - Fat:15.5g - Protien:29g - Sugar:6.2g جبنة قريش - بارميزان - بشر الليمون - موزاريلا - بروكلي - سبانخ - بقدونس - - مارينارا - مكرونة قشور السعرات الحرارية: 420 - الكربوهيدرات: 41.9 جرام - الدهون: 15.5 جرام - البروتين: 29 جرام - السكر: 6.2 جرام

Ravioli With Creamy Mushrooms And Asparagus رافيولي مع كريمة الفطر و الهليون

Cheese ravioli, oil, mushroom, asparagus, shallots, salt, pepper, chives, cooking cream, onion, parmesan, basil, calories 459, carbohydrates 8.2 grams, fat 22.2 grams, protein 11.3 grams and sugar2.9 grams رافيولي بالجبن، زيت، فطر، هليون، كراث، ملح، فلفل، ثوم المعمر، كريمة الطبخ، بصل، بارميزان، ريحان، سعرات حرارية 459، كربوهيدرات 8.2 جرام، دهون 22.2 جرام، بروتين 11.3 جرام وسكر 2.9 جرام
+ 2

Salad السلطة

Lemony Kale Salad with Chickpeas and Avocado سلطة الكرنب الحامض مع النخي والافوكادو

Kale, avocado, maple syrup, chickpeas, lemon, extra virgin olive oil and garlic for flavoring. Calories: 410 - fats: 24g - carbs: 43g - protein: 13g.

Tofu Salad سلطة التوفو

Tofu, extra virgin olive oil, mixed greens, green beans, kalamata olives, cherry tomatoes and lemon herb tahini. Calories: 358 - fats: 25g - carbs: 18g - protein: 15g.

Detox Energy Salad سلطة الديتوكس للطاقة

Mixed leafy greens, avocado, beetroot, parsley, lemon, mint, pumpkin seed, sunflower seed, pomegranate, buckwheat, flaxseed and extra virgin olive oil. Calories: 338 - fats: 24.9g - carbs: 28.9g - protein: 6.2g.
+ 4

Breakfast الأفطار

Mushroom Overload Egg White Omelette اومليت بياض البيض مع الفطر

Shiitake mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, dried basil, green onion, free range egg white, coconut oil, whole wheat flour, yeast, sugar cane, salt, extra virgin olive oil, omelette served with 2 pieces pita bread. Calories 154, fat 3 gm, carbs 13 gm and protein 19 gm.

Peanut Butter Oat شوفان مع زبدة الفول السوداني

In house peanut butter, cinnamon, oats, almond milk calories 432, fats 15 gm, carbs 61 gm and protein 15 gm

Salted Date Oatmeal شوفان وتمر

Banana, chia seeds, oatmeal, medjool date, cinnamon, hemp seed, almond butter. Calories 500, fats 4 gm, carbs 116 gm and protein 10 gm.
+ 4

New Items

Zucchini Noodles

Zucchini, garlic, onion and olive oil. Calories: 94, total fat 6g, total carbs: 6g, sugar: 6g, protein: 3g.

Homemade Sweet Potato Chips

Calories: 14, total fat 0g, total carbs: 3g, sugar: 61, protein: 0g.

Spaghetti Pasta Bolognese Sauce

Spaghetti, parsley, parmesan cheese, ground beef, oregano, bay leaf, basil, tomatos and tomato paste. Calories: 495g, total fat: 21.7g, total carbs: 20.8g, sugar, 7g, protein: 33.7g.

توصيل للمنازل في الكويت

The Hive - Qurain قم بتوصيل وجباتك في أسرع وقت ممكن. اسأل المطعم عما إذا كان لديهم طلبات خارجية.