Yalla restaurant

مطعم Sinless - Sharq

Al Sabit, Kuwait Market Building, Abdulrazaq Gate / 8th Commercial Zone, Ground Floor, Shop 125 next to Brio and Habra

قائمة طعام

توصيل الطلبات للمنازل Salads في Al Sabit


Organic شاي أورجانيك

1 Piece حبة وحدة

Extra Patty برجر إضافية

+ 53


Americano أمريكانو

Organic coffee. Paleo , Keto.

Flu Shot فلو شوت

Ginger, turmeric apple, black pepper, (slow press). GF, DF, Sugar Free, Paleo.


Walnut Brownie براوني الجوز

Homemade chocolate brownies, with flavorful cardamom and walnuts. GF, DF, Refined Sugar-Free, Activated.

Pecan Pie بيكان باي (فطيرة البقان)

A slice of our pecan pie with almond crust, and a side of our homemade ice cream. GF, DF, Activated, Refined Sugar Free.

Vanilla Ice Cream آيس كريم الفانيلا

GF, DF, Vegan, Refined Sugar Free.


Gluten-Free Cumin Tortilla تورتيلا كمون خالية من الجلوتين

Beet Root Ketchup كاتشب شمندر

Homemade using beetroot! Refined Sugar Free, GF, DF, Preservative Free, Vegan,

Guacamole قواكامولي

+ 5


Old School Wrap أولد سكول راب (سندويشة الجبن )

A mix of local cheese, with olives and za’atar, wrapped in a gluten-free tortilla. GF, Keto.

Chicken Shawarma Wrap راب شاورما الدجاج

Chicken shawarma wrap with tomatoes, sumac, onions, mint, parsley, drizzled with tahini sauce and wrapped in gluten free bread. GF, DF.

Don Huevo Wrap راب دون هيفو (سندويشة البيض المخفوق)

Egg sandwich with local cheese, grilled onions, spinach wrapped in gluten free bread, with a side of guacamole. GF, Keto.
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Mini Chicken Shawarma شاورما الدجاج (درزن)

A dozen of mini chicken shawarma sandwiches with chopped lettuce, tomatoes, sumac, onions, mint, drizzled with tahini sauce and wrapped in gluten free bread. GF, DF.

Brisket Mini ساندويشات لحم البريسكت (درزن)

A dozen of mini pulled brisket sandwiches, with apple coleslaw and avocados. GF, DF.

Foul Sandwiches سندويشات الفول (درزن)

A dozen of mini of mashed fava bean sandwiches, drizzled with tahini and olive oil. GF, DF, Vegan.
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All Day Breakfast

Don Huevo دون هويفو (كاساديا بالبيض المخفوق)

Egg quesadillas with local cheese, grilled onions, spinach, with a side of guacamole. GF, Keto.

Zaatar Pizza زعتر

Homemade chickpea man’ousha, packed with the super powers of flaxseeds and chia seeds and sprinkled with za’atar and roasted cherry tomatoes. GF, Vegan,

Acai Bowl بادية الأساي

Frozen bananas and raspberries blended with pure açai powder and topped with banana slices, blue berries and granola. GF, DF, Refined Sugar Free, Vegan.
+ 2

Cook at Home الطبخ في المنزل - CFH

Cali Burger Kit كالي برقر

Cook our chicken burger at home. Comes with gluten-free buns, dairy-free pesto sauce, avocado slices and baked sweet potato chips with avocado aioli on the side. GF, DF. " اشوي برقر الدجاج في بالبيت، مع خبز البرقر الخالية من الغلوتين، صلصة البيسو الخالية من منتجات الألبان، أفوكادو، بطاطة حلوة مشوية و صلصة الأفومادو بالثوم. خالتي من الغلوتين، خالي من منتجات الألبان"

Wellness Burger Kit " ولنس برقر"

Cook our vegan Wellness Burger at home. Comes with gluten-free buns, beetroot pickles, arugula, tahina sauce, beetroot ketchup and roasted potatoes. GF, DF. " اشوي الولنس برقر النباتي بالبيت. يأتي مع خبز البرقر خالي من الغلوتين، مخلل الشمندر، جرجير، صلصة الطحينة، كاتشاب الشمندر و بطاط مشوي. خالي من الغلوتين، خالي من منتجات الألبان"

Pesto Pasta Kit

Cook our pesto zucchini noodles at home. Comes with zucchini spaghetti, dairy-free pesto sauce, chopped potatoes, french beans and toasted pine nuts. GF, DF.
+ 2


Cocoa Peanut Butter زبدة الفول السوداني بالكاكاو

Activated peanuts, cocoa powder, desiccated coconuts, cinnamon, honey, sea salt, coconut oil, thats it! GF, DF, Refined Sugar Free, Activated.

Almond Pistachio Butter زبدة لوز مع فستق

Activated almonds, activated pistachios, cinnamon, honey, sea salt, coconut oil, thats it! GF, DF, Refined Sugar Free, Activated, Paleo.

Coco Cabana كوكو كابان (حلاوة التمر)

Dates, almonds, coconut flour, oats, coconut oil, shredded coconut, cane sugar, maple syrup, honey, salt, baking powder. Nutritional Info Approximately: Weight: 40g, Total Carb: 21.6g, Total Fat: 10.5 g, Protein: 2.2g, Calories: 160 Kcal . Expiration: Valid for 14 Days from production date, if kept refrigerated.
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Chicken Shawarma Salad سلطة شاورما الدجاج

Chopped lettuce topped with grilled chicken breast strips marinated in shawarma spices, homemade pickles, red onions, cherry tomatoes and drizzled with light tahini sauce. GF, DF, Refined Sugar Free.

Chopped Salad السلطة المقطعة

Baby gem lettuce, red cabbage and carrots all chopped and topped with crunchy activated turmeric spiced almonds, splashed with sesame peanut sauce. GF, DF, Refined Sugar Free, Activated, Vegan.


Chopped Salad السلطة المقطعة

Baby gem lettuce, red cabbage and carrots all chopped and topped with crunchy activated turmeric spiced almonds, splashed with sesame peanut sauce. Small or medium. GF, DF, Refined Sugar Free, Activated, Vegan.

Zaatar Pizza بيتزا زعتر

Homemade chickpea man’ousha, packed with the super powers of flax seeds and chia seeds and sprinkled with za’atar and roasted cherry tomatoes. GF, DF, Vegan.

Foul فول

A flavorful mashed fava beans bowl, drizzled with tahini and olive oil and a side of arabic bread. GF, DF, Vegan.
+ 10


Chopped Salad سلطة خضار مفرومة ناعمة

Baby gem lettuce, red cabbage and carrots all chopped and topped with crunchy activated turmeric spiced almonds, splashed with sesame peanut sauce. GF, DF, Activated, Vegan,Keto. Regular portion macros: Total Fat: 27.8g, Total Carb: 25.9g, Protein: 7.6g, Calories: 268.8 Kcal. Small portion macros: Total Fat: 13.9g, Total Carb:14.7g, Protein: 5.2g, Calories: 134.4 Kcal.

Chicken Shawarma Salad سلطة شاورما الدجاج

Chopped lettuce topped with grilled chicken breast strips marinated in shawarma spices, homemade pickles, red onions, cherry tomatoes and drizzled with light tahini sauce. Regular portion macros: Total Fat: 29.2g, Total Carb:24.7g, Protein:39.6g, Calories:526.2 Kcal. Small portion macros: Total Fat: 14.9g, Total Carb:12.3g, Protein:19.8g, Calories:263.1 Kcal. GF, DF, Keto.

Old School Wrap أولد سكول راب (سندويشة الجبنة راب)

A mix of local cheese, with olives and za’atar, wrapped in a gluten-free tortilla. GF, Keto. Macros: Total Fat: 10.9g, Total Carb: 16g, Protein: 7.4g, Calorie: 199.5 Kcal.
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Lunch and Dinner

Margherita بيتزا مارغريتا

Our chickpea, flax or chia pizza base topped with juicy tomato sauce and local mozzarella cheese. GF.

The Atkins ذا آتكنز (دجاج مشوي)

Marinated grilled chicken breast with lemon and rosemary, and a side of green beans drizzled with almond butter sauce. GF, DF, Activated.

Wellness Burger ويلنيس برجر

Lentil based patty with caramelized onions, in our gluten-free or egg-free, flax and seeds buns, with a side of rosemary baked fries and homemade beetroot ketchup. GF, DF, Refined Sugar Free, Vegan.
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