Yalla restaurant

مطعم DFRNT Cafe - Salmiya

Salmiya, Salmiya, salem mubarak street, Symphony Mall, Ground floor, Shop 32,

قائمة طعام

توصيل الطلبات للمنازل Dessert, Sandwiches, Coffee في Salmiya


Classic Orange

Freshly made to order Orange Juice. Served with ice and garnish of Sliced Orange.


Our homemade recipient with lemon and ginger flavor, healthy and refreshing

Lemon Mint

Fresh Lemon and Mint with homemade sugar syrup. Blended with crushed ice. .
+ 4

Soft Drinks

Fanta Strawberry

Fanta Orange

Sprite Light

+ 5


Extra Flavor

Extra Shot


Iced Coffee القهوه البارده

Iced Americano

A shot of espresso with cold water. البارده المريكية القهوة مشروب

Iced Salted Caramel Latte

Cold salted caramel latte with little extra sweet and a little saltiness. بالكراميل لاتيه قهوة البارده.


A sweet caribbean flavor full of mix with berries’s (cold)نكهة كاريبية محلاة بمذاق أنواع التوت المشكل
+ 8

Hot Coffee القهوه الحاره


Americanoقهوه الامريكانو

Cafe Latte

Caffe latte is a coffee drink made with espresso and steamed milk. قهوة لاتيه الأصلية.

Salted Caramel

Salted caramel latte is an indulgent drink for those days when you need a little extra sweet with a little saltiness. قهوة لاتيه بالكراميل.
+ 15

Tea الشاي

English Breakfast Tea

Organic black teaشاي الافطار الانجليزي شاي عضوي

Green Tea

Organic green teaالشاي الاخضرشاي عضوي

White Tea

Organic white tea with peppermint الشاي الابيض العضوي مع النعناع

Sandwiches السندويشات

Four Cheese Sandwich

Grilled brioche bread stuffed with cheddar cheese, mozzarella cheese, emmental cheese, brie cheese, and grilled mushrooms. خبز بريوش مشوية بأربع انواع جبن و المشروم يقدم مع شرائح البطاطس.

Grilled Chicken

Grilled chicken with a carrot/potato puree sauce, grilled peppers and lollo bianco lettuce served on a french baguette.

Halloumi Tapande

Grilled halloumi cheese topped with our handmade pistachio pesto, olive tapenade, roasted peppers. Served on our fresh baked brown bread with lollo bianco lettuce.

Salads السلطات

Classic Caesar Salad

Classic caesar salad without chicken. سلطة السيزر الخضراء التقليدية بدون دجاج

Quinoa's Spinach

A trio of quinoa mixed with baby spinach, cherry tomatoes, pomegranate seeds and orange mint dressing with a hint of mint leave garnish. سلطة الكينوا مع السبانخ وحبات الرمان، وتقدم مع صلصلة الليمون

Roasted Beetroot

Roasted beetroot finely chopped mixed with parsley, quinoa and feta cheese mixed with balsamic dressing. For a refreshing twist on a healthy tabbouleh style salad. سلطة الشمندر والكينوا مع البقدونس مغطاة بجبنة الفيتا ، وتقدم مع صلصة البالسميك


Full Chocolate Honey Cake

A delightful sweet taste of chocolate and honey. Please schedule for this order at least one day before. Need it for a celebration? Please add to special requests below.

Full Honey Cake

A delightful sweet taste of honey. Please schedule for this order at least one day before. Need it for a celebration? Please add to special requests below.


Chocolate Honey Cake

Honey cake with chocolate and powdered sugar

Fruit Cake

Lemon sponge cake with lemon cream cheese, strawberry jam and fresh strawberry, with sugar powder on top . كيك الليمون بكريمة الليمون و المربى بالفراولة، و فراولة طازجة

Honey Cake

One slice of a delightful soft cake that taste as honey and topped with dash of powdered sugar

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